Tenuta Regaleali Olive Oil
Centennial trees carefully pruned and cared for over the years, grow low branches, allowing for a more precise hand harvesting. The olives are cold pressed with a continuous cycle.
Production Area: Regaleali Estate: 450/900 m altitude in the hills in the province of
Palermo bordering the province of Caltanissetta to the south. Approx 549 acres.
Varieties: 67% Biancolilla, 8% Piricuddara 4% Nocellara bel Belice, 6% Coratina,
and others 15% (Nerva, Ogliarola, Carolea, Leccino, Frantoio)
Harvest period: from 24 October to 18 November 2023
Olives gathered: Kg 69.199
Yield Kg of oil at the mill: 15.7%
Milling: continuous cycle system with cold processing
Treatments: filtered
Acidity: 0,21%
Color: yellow with greenish reflections
Smell: fragrant, with intense and clear scents of almond, spices and green tomato
Flavor: fresh grass on the palate. So, good spiciness that overpowers any bitterness,
lingering-avour in the mouth